
State Building Commission

In 1955, the Legislature created the State Building Commission (SBC) to oversee construction of all State public buildings (T.C.A. § 4-15-101 et seq.). The SBC's responsibility has been expanded to include authority over most State construction and demolition projects and the acquisition and disposal of State lands (in fee, easement or by lease).

As a statutorily created body, the SBC seeks to ensure that actions and decisions affecting real property in which the State has an interest are made in the best interest of the State. This role includes promoting quality in design and construction, sound fiscal management, fair competition for work, and proactive planning and decision-making. Approximately 90 million square feet and 900 thousand acres of the State's real estate portfolio is under the authority of the SBC. This portfolio includes all real estate used by General Government agencies and State Higher Education Institutions, but excludes property and projects under the authority of the Tennessee Department of Transportation.

The SBC's Executive Subcommittee (ESC) is authorized to act on behalf of the full Commission in any matter that has been delegated to it by the Commission. Standing delegations of authority include taking final action on land acquisitions, land disposals, lease transactions, and demolitions.

The Constitutional Officers and the Commissioner of Finance & Administration are members of the ESC.
All members are ex-officio positions and SBC / ESC members cannot delegate their seats.

State Capitol Commission

The Capitol Commission serves as the oversight body for all modifications to the Capitol andBicentennial Mall State Park The State Architect is the defacto curator of the State Capitol and coordinates the affairs of the Commission in conjunction with the Department of General Services, Department of Environment & Conservation, and the State Museum.

Tennessee Residence Commission

The Residence Commission serves as the oversight body for restoration and preservation of the Tennessee Residence and for its maintenance and use for any non-governmental activities