FSMC and Vended Meal Resources

Food Service Management Companies (FSMC)

A food service management company (FSMC) contract is one in which the contractor (typically a commercial enterprise or non-profit organization) manages some aspect of the school food service program. Generally, the FSMC prepares and serves the meals and/or manages the school meal program(s).

Renewal Timeline for Food Service Management Company (FSMC) Contracts

Please see the following guidance on executing a Food Service Management Company contract renewal. Following the timeline will ensure operation at the beginning of the school year.

School Food Authorities (SFAs) must notify the Tennessee Department of Education (TDOE) of intent to renew

- Email intent to renew contract each renewal year to School.Nutrition@tn.gov

- SFAs in year 5 of the contract, please see the Request for Proposal (RFP) timeline for the new bid process.

Submit renewal contract to TDOE

- SFAs must ensure that TDOE approves the FSMC contract PRIOR to execution and annually reviews the contract (including all supporting documentation). TDOE must review and approve all contract renewals.

- Copy of Consumer Price Index should be sent to TDOE with renewal if FSMC submits an increase.

- Copy of SFA-FSMC monitoring form should be sent to TDOE with renewal.

- June 1 is the last day to submit renewals.

Reconciliation Document - Reconciliation of Credits for USDA Foods form must be turned in by August 1.

- If the SFA elects not to renew the contract, the SFA must adhere to procedures and timelines outlined for new contracts.

- If the SFA elects to return to a self-operated program, notify TDOE.

Vended Meals Companies (Vended)

In a vended meals contract, the contractor (also referred to as a vendor) provides the meals only (generally pre-packaged/pre-plated) and does not manage any aspect of the school food service. However, if the contractor’s employees are responsible for the management of the program and/or for the final preparation and/or serving of pre-packaged/pre-plated school meals, the contract becomes a FSMC contract and is no longer considered a vended meals contract.

Getting Started with FSMC or Vended Meal Contracts

At this time, Tennessee Department of Education’s School Nutrition Program does not approve food service management companies (FSMCs)/vendors, nor has a formal registration process.

To become a food service management company/vendor in Tennessee, the company will need to comply with the State of Tennessee and the Department of Public Health to ensure the business has the appropriate licensing for operating as a food service management company or vended meals company.

The company will also need to ensure it can comply with the rules and regulations set forth in the federally funded child nutrition programs. Please visit the website for more information on the child nutrition programs.

Once the company has met the requirements above, they can notify the department that they would like to be included on the list of known FSMCs/vendors and may be contacted for future solicitations for meal services.

The department also maintains this list of potential known FSMCs/vendors to aid our school food authorities (SFA) in their solicitation process. The list is not all-inclusive, and each SFA has a right to solicit from companies not listed who can meet their needs while complying with all federal rules and regulations of the child nutrition programs. If your company would like to be added to the list or provide a data update, please send an email with the following details of the company to Josh.Nunnally@tn.gov.

  • Contractor Name:
  • Contact Person(s):o Address:
  • Phone number(s):o Email(s):
  • What contract types the company provides services for (please delete types not applicable): Vended Meals or FSMC.
  • What Child Nutrition Programs does the company provide service (please delete types not applicable): SNP, CACFP, SFSP, Etc.
  • What counties in Tennessee does your company provide service (can simply state ALL if applicable):

The following companies have been identified as providing FSMC and/or Vended meals for Child Nutrition Programs in Tennessee.

The solicitation is not limited to these companies. The companies listed are for information purposes and does not imply endorsement by the Tennessee Department of Education’s School Nutrition Program or the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

List of Known Food Service Management Companies

List of Known Vended Meals Companies