
photo Nashville receiving Tree City award

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Congratulations to Knoxville, Chattanooga and Nashville

Smart Growth America and the National Complete Streets Coalition are proud to announce that a partnership of agencies in Chattanooga, Knoxville, and Nashville won the first-ever Complete Streets Consortium technical assistance.  The Chattanooga TPO, Knoxville Regional TPO, and Nashville Area MPO applied for and won the award collaboratively, and will together receive a set of three free technical assistance workshops.  Each of the winning agencies will host one workshop over the next six months which will be tailored to each region's specific opportunities and challenges.

The series of workshops will provide participants with tools and strategies to implement Complete Streets that advance economic, health and community vibrancy goals. Discussions will focus on how to create a safe and inviting transportation network for everyone in the community, including bicyclists, drivers, transit operators and users, and pedestrians of all ages and abilities.  Each of the three participants will create a Complete Streets implementation plan as part of the workshop.

Congratulations to Cleveland Urban Area MPO

The Cleveland Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization was been selected to the attend the Walkability Action Institute.  Sponsored by the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention the Walkability Action Institute is a team-oriented training about walkability and active transportation which increase physical activity thus improving health outcomes.  

TN Sustainable Transportation Awards

In connection with Clean Air Month, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), and Tennessee Clean Fuels host the Sustainable Transportation Awards.  These awards are for the pursuit of place-based policies and investments for improved transportation options in our communities.