Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Loan Program

The Pathway Lending Energy Efficiency Loan Program (EELP), a low-interest revolving loan fund, launched in 2010 to assist Tennessee for-profit and not-for-profit commercial and industrial businesses in implementing energy efficiency and renewable energy improvements. In January 2016, EELP was expanded to offer financing to local government entities, including municipalities, counties, school districts, and other public agencies. Pathway Lending, a US Treasury certified community development financial institution, oversees the $29 million revolving loan fund, which is comprised of loan capital provided by the State / TDEC Office of Energy Programs ($14 million), the Tennessee Valley Authority ($10 million), and Pathway Lending ($5 million). Eligible projects under EELP include, but are not limited to: energy efficient equipment upgrades; lighting; building envelope retrofits; cool roofs; renewable energy installations; and co-generation.

At this time, five-year term Energy Efficiency or Renewable Energy loans have a fixed interest rate of 4%, and ten-year loans have a fixed interest rate of 6%. Local government entities are currently eligible to receive up to six years of financing at a 4% interest rate for qualified energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. Qualifying entities may apply for loans between $20,000 and $5 million. 

For more information or to apply, visit Pathway Lending's Energy Efficiency and Renewables Page or contact Brandon England at (615) 425-7171 or

Pathway Lending maintains a series of EELP success stories on its Energy Efficiency Blog series, some of which are highlighted below. 

Urban Story Ventures photo, “Central Plant,” and Crown College photo, “Energy Audit,” by Dennis Schroeder, NREL. All other photos courtesy of TDEC OEP staff,, or