Forms and Downloads

Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners

NOTICE TO TEXAS APPLICANTS: The Board of Cosmetology (the “Board”) at its February 3, 2014 meeting voted to temporarily suspend processing of reciprocal license applications from Texas. This suspension was lifted on March 2, 2015 but as a result of several Texas schools having disciplinary issues, the Tennessee Board now requires Texas applicants to also provide transcript certification of their education with the full application.

Separately, some States do not require both theory and practical exams therefore they may be required to take them for a Tennessee reciprocal license. For more information about testing in Tennessee, review the Board’s Candidate Information Bulletin found on PSI’s website at the following link: Each candidate information bulletin provides pertinent information to help prepare for Tennessee Board of Cosmetology examinations, scoring information, testing locations and an abundance of other useful tools for testing applicants.


Per a court order issued by the Davidson County Chancery court on August 5, 2020, the Tennessee Board of Cosmetology & Barber Examiners (Board) is enjoined from enforcing Tenn. Code Ann. § 62-3-110(b)(2) which requires that all master barber registration applicants obtain a high school diploma, GED, or HiSET equivalence. Please note that the director and staff will no longer require that barber schools contain proof of a high school diploma, GED, or HiSET equivalence in a student’s file.  For any question please contact the Board office at . Should this status change the notice on this website will be updated.

Please contact us directly for more information:
State Board of Cosmetology and Barber Examiners
500 James Robertson Pkwy
Nashville, TN 37243
Email: Cosmetology.Board@TN.Gov
Phone: 615-741-2515
Toll Free: 800-480-9285

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